You are a true success when you help others succeed.

Deloitte - Award
As thought leaders in the field of Talent Communication since 2002, we bring the voice of candidates to the table by providing knowledge and insights to help shape the future of employer branding, talent acquisition, and talent communication.
Potentialpark Talent Communication Rankings
Our Rankings proudly showcase the employers who prioritize and excel in understanding candidate needs and effectively implement this knowledge in their Talent Communication strategies.
The Potentialpark Ranking reflects the performance of employers across all topics included in the Potentialpark Study: Career Website, Applying Online, Social Media, and Professional Platforms.
The Career Website Ranking assesses the proficiency of employers in effectively engaging, informing, and converting candidates through strategically curated content.
The Applying Online Ranking identifies employers with exceptionally transparent application processes and outstanding job search functionality.
The Social Media Ranking shows the employers with the best content mix across major Social and Professional networks such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Blogs.
The Professional Platform Ranking highlights employers who have effectively established their brand presence and proactively engage with talent on platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor.
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